- crsuggest::crs_sfDataset of area extent polygons with CRS information
- idbr::variables5Dataset with variable and concept descriptions for the IDB
- tidycensus::acs5_geographyDataset used to identify geography availability in the 5-year ACS Detailed Tables
- tidycensus::county_laeaCounty geometry with Alaska and Hawaii shifted and re-scaled
- tidycensus::fips_codesDataset with FIPS codes for US states and counties
- tidycensus::mig_recodesDataset with Migration Flows characteristic recodes
- tidycensus::pums_variablesDataset with PUMS variables and codes
- tidycensus::state_laeaState geometry with Alaska and Hawaii shifted and re-scaled
- tigris::fips_codesDataset with FIPS codes for US states and counties