Package: mapgl

mapgl: Interactive Maps with 'Mapbox GL JS' and 'MapLibre GL JS'

Provides an interface to the 'Mapbox GL JS' (<>) and the 'MapLibre GL JS' (<>) interactive mapping libraries to help users create custom interactive maps in R. Users can create interactive globe visualizations; layer 'sf' objects to create filled maps, circle maps, 'heatmaps', and three-dimensional graphics; and customize map styles and views. The package also includes utilities to use 'Mapbox' and 'MapLibre' maps in 'Shiny' web applications.

Authors:Kyle Walker [aut, cre]

mapgl.pdf |mapgl.html
mapgl/json (API)

# Install 'mapgl' in R:
install.packages('mapgl', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Pkgdown site:



8.03 score 112 stars 138 scripts 698 downloads 72 exports 55 dependencies

Last updated 9 hours agofrom:1a6fa402d9. Checks:7 OK, 2 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 06 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEMar 06 2025
R-4.5-macOKMar 06 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEMar 06 2025
R-4.4-winOKMar 06 2025
R-4.4-macOKMar 06 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 06 2025
R-4.3-winOKMar 06 2025
R-4.3-macOKMar 06 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add a categorical legend to a Mapbox GL mapadd_categorical_legend
Add a circle layer to a Mapbox GL mapadd_circle_layer
Add a continuous legendadd_continuous_legend
Add a draw control to a mapadd_draw_control
Add a fill-extrusion layer to a Mapbox GL mapadd_fill_extrusion_layer
Add a fill layer to a mapadd_fill_layer
Add a fullscreen control to a mapadd_fullscreen_control
Add a geocoder control to a mapadd_geocoder_control
Add a geolocate control to a mapadd_geolocate_control
Add a Globe Minimap to a mapadd_globe_minimap
Add a hexagon source from the H3 geospatial indexing system.add_h3j_source
Add a heatmap layer to a Mapbox GL mapadd_heatmap_layer
Add an image to the mapadd_image
Add an image source to a Mapbox GL or Maplibre GL mapadd_image_source
Add a layer to a map from a sourceadd_layer
Add a layers control to the mapadd_layers_control
Add a legend to a Mapbox GL mapadd_legend
Add a line layer to a mapadd_line_layer
Add markers to a Mapbox GL or Maplibre GL mapadd_markers
Add a navigation control to a mapadd_navigation_control
Add a raster DEM source to a Mapbox GL or Maplibre GL mapadd_raster_dem_source
Add a raster layer to a Mapbox GL mapadd_raster_layer
Add a raster tile source to a Mapbox GL or Maplibre GL mapadd_raster_source
Add a reset control to a mapadd_reset_control
Add a scale control to a mapadd_scale_control
Add a GeoJSON or sf source to a Mapbox GL or Maplibre GL mapadd_source
Add a symbol layer to a mapadd_symbol_layer
Add a vector tile source to a Mapbox GL or Maplibre GL mapadd_vector_source
Add a video source to a Mapbox GL or Maplibre GL mapadd_video_source
Get CARTO Style URLcarto_style
Clear all controls from a Mapbox GL or Maplibre GL map in a Shiny appclear_controls
Clear a layer from a map using a proxyclear_layer
Clear legend from a map in a proxy sessionclear_legend
Clear markers from a map in a Shiny sessionclear_markers
Prepare cluster options for circle layerscluster_options
Create a Compare slider widgetcompare
Ease to a given viewease_to
Fit the map to a bounding boxfit_bounds
Fly to a given viewfly_to
Get column or property for use in mappingget_column
Get drawn features from the mapget_drawn_features
Create an interpolation expressioninterpolate
Jump to a given viewjump_to
Get Mapbox Style URLmapbox_style
Initialize a Mapbox GL Mapmapboxgl
Create a proxy object for a Mapbox GL map in Shinymapboxgl_proxy
Create a Mapbox GL output element for ShinymapboxglOutput
Initialize a Maplibre GL Mapmaplibre
Create a proxy object for a Maplibre GL map in Shinymaplibre_proxy
Create a Maplibre GL output element for ShinymaplibreOutput
Get MapTiler Style URLmaptiler_style
Create a match expressionmatch_expr
Move a layer to a different z-positionmove_layer
Observe events on story map section transitionson_section
Render a Mapbox GL output element in ShinyrenderMapboxgl
Render a Maplibre GL output element in ShinyrenderMaplibre
Set a configuration property for a Mapbox GL mapset_config_property
Set a filter on a map layerset_filter
Set fog on a Mapbox GL mapset_fog
Set a layout property on a map layerset_layout_property
Set a paint property on a map layerset_paint_property
Set Projection for a Mapbox/Maplibre Mapset_projection
Set source of a map layerset_source
Update the style of a mapset_style
Set terrain properties on a mapset_terrain
Set tooltip on a map layerset_tooltip
Set the map center and zoom levelset_view
Create a step expressionstep_expr
Create a scrollytelling story map with Leafletstory_leaflet
Create a scrollytelling story mapstory_map
Create a scrollytelling story map with MapLibrestory_maplibre
Create a story section for story mapsstory_section